Alexandra Babiak


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Alexandra's debut EP Luna is a slow burner; a testament to the beauty of restraint and an exercise in transparency. Alexandra Babiak’s solo project is a thoughtful glimpse into her memories, losses and desires. It all unfolds as if in a dream. Recorded with Calvin Love's home studio, she co-produced the EP in a moment of intentional courage- ready to release these songs and step into a new chapter.

Music has been a part of Alexandra's life ever since she started playing violin as a four-year-old in Toronto. As a teenager she was already an old soul; falling for the power of greats like Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, and Ella Fitzgerald. You can sense these influences in the heart wrenching arc of her voice as it haunts the spaces between analog soundscapes. In live performances her brother joins her onstage playing the french horn. Alexandra's cinematic, invitational narrative melodies creep under your skin- whispering lyrics that are endlessly relatable.

Alexandra's work is a reflective act; she wrote the songs on Luna after the sudden death of her mother. Her musical narratives explore caves of loss and grief with rare openness. But Alexandra's music is full of lightness too- with tracks like Every Winter allowing room for us to fall in love and somehow laugh at life. When not writing she finds joy in the little things- walking in High Park, taking baths, reading mystery novels and eating candy. In this way, she is well versed in the joys and trials of life. Her music brings something rare and powerful to the table: wisdom.


Crazy For You
Every Winter Video
Who Am I Going To


Luna EP


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Luna EP

Luna - EP

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